Heavenly Father,
All truth belongs to you. All goodness is couched within your being. All things work together for your Glory. Though we do not always see the right path, and though sometimes we struggle and trudge along, help us to remember that you are ever-present and filled with love towards us; whether we know (or remember) it or not.
For those that do not know you, I pray that you draw them ever closer, and that they seek you with an earnestness that can have no other cause but the Spirit. I pray that the reliance on earthly things begins to fade, and I pray that the assurance found in flesh is broken and made bare before a regenerated will and intellect.
Give those of us that do know you a heart towards those that do not. Help us to feel an inkling of the weight of eternity in this present, in order that we may be hurried toward the proclamation of the sacrifice of your Son and in our own walk. Help us to pray more fervently for those lost. Help us to pray more fervently for those not lost who do not shine as brightly as they could, or are afraid to shine lest the darkness seem more dark.
I pray for all those that seem to flounder about. I pray for those that grope and beg for direction and seemingly do not find it. Help us all to find our direction and fullness within you. I pray that our choices be made sound and founded on holiness. I pray that our wills are pliant, and your hand be felt. I pray that we seek you, even as we may be confused about our own direction. I pray that we have the wisdom to tell the difference between temporary setbacks and a signal for a change of course.
Thank you for all that you do, and the patience you shower us with. Thank you for the work you have done, are doing, and will do within us. You are great, and you are good, and you are holy. Help us all to proclaim and shout your praise with every fiber of our being. May our temporal directionless never alter our course towards deep and fuller community with you.
In Christ, and through Christ, amen.
And though the walls and brambles close our ways
Your love remains, within us it forever stays
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